Tuxedo Concert Package
White dress shirt, Black tux pants, black bowtie and cummerbund
Please specify which student this is for so we can cross reference with our measurement cards. Thank you

White Tux Shirt
Part of the tux uniform, a requirement for performance attire
Please specify which student this is for so we can cross reference with our measurement cards. Thank you
Only buy this individually as a replacement item.

Black Bow Tie
Part of the tux uniform for concert band and choir.
Only buy this individually as a replacement item.

Part of the tux uniform for concert band and choir.
Only buy this individually as a replacement item.

Black Tux Pants
Formal Pants, part of the tux uniform for concert band and choirs
Please specify which student this is for so we can cross reference with our measurement cards. Thank you
Only buy this individually as a replacement item.